Discover your wild side with Brazil Ecotour

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 Amazon river cruise Brazil

Since he was so baptized by the conquistadors of the sixteenth century. Who thought they could discover these warriors of Greek mythology. The Amazon river  never ceased to inspire the minds of the great travelers. To explore this aquatic labyrinth, to penetrate this captivating environment rich of belief and magic, to meet the inhabitants settled along the banks, to observe the fauna and the flora. The boat is the best way to discover this paradise on earth

Travel itinerary

amazon river cruise 2019


Manaus Arrival - Amazon River

Transfer at 8 am to the boat and accommodation of passengers. Boarding at 09:00 am at the pier. Welcome drink and appetizers on board – presentation of staffs and other services. Beginning of navigation on the Rio Negro, passing in front of the city of Manaus to observe the old constructions of the historical centre (municipal market, port of Manaus, etc.), dating back to the golden age of rubber (1880 to 1920).
Navigation to the Meeting of the Waters of the rivers Negro and Solimões. Then, visit to the Park Ecological Janauary. Lunch on board. Canoeing in the igapós – piranha fishing and to observe the famous Victoria Regia and the sunset.

Appetizers. Dinner on board with gourmet menu of Amazonian fish. Presentation of the following day’s itinerary by the guide bilingual regional, with technical information and curiosities about the Amazon. Night on board.


dauphin rose amazonie


Janauaca Lake

 Optional dawn observation in Rio Negro, breakfast, motor boat tour to visit the rubber museum, to learn a little about the golden age of rubber in Amazonas and how it was the daily life of rubber soldiers. Lunch on board – navigation to the great beach for river bathing and contemplation of the sunset.
Dinner on board.

amazon rainforest manaus


Anavilhanas National Park

 Breakfast on board – Departure for a walk in a riverside community to know their plantations and a little of the ecosystem of this region – Lunch on board.
In the afternoon a canoe tour in the region of Aruau River to know a little of the fauna and flora (possibly observe smelling monkeys, sloth, millenarian tree Sumaúma, flowers Amazonian etc ) sunset in the jungle and observation of nightlife, possible observation of
alligators. Dinner on board – Untamed sensory experience activity.


theatre manaus bresil


Back to Manaus

 Breakfast on board – Departure to observe the Red Boots of Amazon and visit to the Tuyuka Indigenous community to learn a little about the Indigenous culture of this group. back to Manaus in the end of the day.

Amazon Manaus Weather

Amazon river cruise

Amazon beach cruiser

brazil flag brazil ecotour

Idea of Trips

Discover our tavel destinations in the Amazon Lodge

Find all our Idea of  Destinations in Brazil.

Here is our Top love destinations of Brazil

Best time to visit the Amazon

In many ways, May and early June are the best time to visit the Amazon. During these months, the river levels are still high enough for exploration by boat, but the rainfall is curbing enough to draw out some of the wildlife you might not spot otherwise

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